VR Mental Health Conference 9-10 November in Groningen
General information and deadlines
We are excited to invite you to participate in the international VR Mental Health Conference, 9-10 November 2023, in University Medical Center Groningen. The conference is organized by our UMCG VR Mental Health lab, in collaboration with University of Copenhagen (Merete Nordentoft, Louise Birkedal Glenthøj), King’s College London (Lucia Valmaggia) and Lund University (Märta Wallinius).
The goal of the two-day conference is to create a platform for showcasing what is currently happening in the field of VR Mental Health research and what innovative new horizons are emerging. We aim to provide a space where VR researchers and other partners can meet, creating synergy and fostering new collaboration.
Registration for the conference is now open! To learn more and to register, use the registration button. End of early bird registration has been extended to October 9, 2023.
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